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Phil Borges Tibetan Portrait Collection - Samdu
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Samdu 11

Samdu was stricken with a crippling malady known as “big bone disease” when she was five. Even though she does her best to help care for this rapeseed field she has to be carried everywhere by her friends. This arthritis like disease which only afflicts the children is virtually unknown outside her little village.

Collection: Tibetan Portrait
Artist: Photographer Phil Borges
Medium: black and white fine art photography collection
Finish: Framed

These beautiful black and white fine art photography of people portrait of indigenous cultures are the trademark of humanitarian photographer Phil Borges. All collections of Phil Borges' work are available at Hallmark Fine Art Gallery located in San Diego's La Jolla Cove. Gallery also has Phil Borges' award-winning photography books Tibetan Portrait, Enduring Spirit, and Women Empowered. Call 858-551-8108 for more information.

To view other Phil Borges photography collection, click here.